As for those who haven't seen the t-shirt design ,this is it.
Current progress :
Waiting for PJ and Sungai Long campus to decide which t-shirt design to use.
Will inform u all when decided.
Current price : RM25 , unlimited color , good quality of cotton
Current quantity : 11 for FES , 10+- for PJ campus , Sg Long campus to be comfirm.
the quantity for FES not 13? 11 meh?
n wat do u mean by "unlimited colour"?
13 a? den type wrg lo...
unlimited color means any type and numbers of color
Wait~~I promise the designer that I will not change any of his design..
Mean that i cant change any changes in his design like size of shirt and color of shirt..
Ooopss..i forget to tell Piang about that...
Sorry to be inform..That is his design copyright~~
if wan to add FES , sg long and pj campus name on the bottom part of the shirt ler? to show we are united... canot a?
Can but need him to change.
If confirm want to use his design, kindly tell me before do so..
I just do not want to have any mis-interpret and miscomunication occur for the design stuff..
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