Wednesday, July 23, 2008

1st Meeting With SRC

10/7/08 is the day for the first meeting with SRC. There are few activities which are suggested by the SRC.
1. Art and Science Week ( Week 2)
- This event is mainly for all society related to art and science. As for us , we can ignore it. This event will be done at the same week with recruitment drive. It is like : 1 society can have a day in the week to have a event. The main propose for this event is to promote your society and make UTAR more " alive ".
2. FEStival ( Week 6 )
- Same as the FEStival for this year. The organizing chairman now will be Hooi Yee. Progress report will be updated later.
3. Environmental Week
- This event is basically more to promote recycling. Our society can totally ignore this event cuz i can't think of how our soceity's name can relate to this event.
4. SRC blogspot
- SRC is planning to have a blogspot which are link from UTAR main website. In their website, they will include society current event and the link to our blogspot. The main propose for this event is for others to know our event easier.
5. SRC newsletter
- This is more like a newspaper with all the current society event but it onli release once in 3 months which i think is quite useless.( just for personal opinion , no harm )
6. Valentine days
- In this event , we can choose
1. under SRC
2. individual
3. collaborate with other society
If under SRC , they are planning to have a valentine NIGHT. It is just like a prom night.

The proposal for the first 2 events ( Art and Science Week and FEStival ) must hand to the SRC on week 14. So, organizing commitee for the event , be fast.

Please think and give your idea(S) on those activities in the next meeting.
Thank you.


1 comment:

Marilyn said...

so many events, we dun have enough ppl to take charge edi la =.="

for the art n science, the science means wat area o? but tis event is kinda hard as tat time we r having blood donation campaign. somemore it has to b planned during sem break where most of us r having industrial training.