Friday, February 6, 2009

BDC Jan 2009

blood donation campaign for tis sem has ended!

let's take a look wat happened during the two days....

registration + bodycheck counters

checking hemogloblin level + blood type

measuring blood pressure

registration in progress....

donor's room

logistic area for keeping the donors' belonging. high reliability (safer than any insurance companies or lockers) yet put at ur own risk

refreshment area for donors

leng lois at registration counter, so come donate blood la, lol

the nurses storing the blood

souvenir counter...hv a lucky draw after donating blood ^^

one of the Mini Vacuum (to clean the keyboard)winners

one of LCD screen cleaner winners

one of the 2GB pendrive winners

DSA staff also won a 2GB pendrive!!!

the LUCKY one -- 2GB MP3 player winner *clapping*

there's nothing scary in donating blood, see how relax they

giving souvenir to rep from Blood Bank as appreciation....

the generous companies that kindly sponsor for tis event

the board for campaign promotion

committee members of BDC + Blood Bank nurses

Blood Bank van

The total number of donors: 295 ppl in two days!
so if u miss the chance to donate blood tis time
do join us in the next sem!!! ^^

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